Expert treatment for:
Aches & pains.
Sports and work-related injuries, musculoskeletal problems.
Rheumatism, low energy, anxiety, insomnia, cigarette and drug addictions.
Women's problems eg .painful periods, irregular cycles, little or heavy bleedings, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterus fibroid, morning sickness, menopause, and infertility.
IVF supported treatment.
Common cold and flu, asthma, sinusitis, hayfever.
Eye nose ear and throat problem.
Dermatitis, shingles, eczema, acne, hair loss, wrinkles.
High blood pressure, heart diseases, overweight.
Stomach intestine problem.
Other chronic disorders.
Is Acupuncture suitable for me?
Acupuncture can be used to treat an enormous variety of conditions
from sporting injuries to digestive upsets or even the common cold. Anyone
from newborns to the elderly can benefit from a course of treatment. Acupuncture
is a very safe and effective form of medicine with a history of many thousands
of years. It can be used not only for the treatment of conditions or illnesses but
also to help keep you well and prevent illness from taking hold.
What should I do before treatment?
It is better to avoid drinking coffee or eating a large meal immediately prior to
acupuncture but don’t arrive at the clinic feeling really hungry or under the
influence of alcohol or drugs. Cigarettes, caffeine, or recreational drugs make
it more difficult for your practitioner to accurately diagnose your condition.
What happens during a typical treatment?
Chinese Medicine is a holistic treatment and your practitioner will take an
extensive case history, covering every aspect of your health, diet, and lifestyle
before making a diagnosis. This may include asking seemingly unrelated
questions about such things as your response to changes in the weather, your
menstrual cycle even if the condition you are attending for is not related to
your cycle or whether you sleep with your feet out from under the blankets!
Your answers will help identify patterns of disharmony which will allow your
practitioner to make a more accurate diagnosis. Your practitioner will also
take your pulse on both wrists and may ask to look at your tongue as both
provide valuable information about your constitution and presenting condition.
After making a diagnosis your practitioner will decide the appropriate treatment.
This may be acupuncture or Chinese herbs separately or in combination
or may include the use of moxibustion, tui-na, or gua sha. Your practitioner
may also make recommendations regarding your diet and lifestyle.
In comparison to needles that are used for an injection or to take blood,
acupuncture needles are very fine – not much thicker than a human hair.
A typical treatment will involve the insertion of 8-10 acupuncture needles
into points which may be selected either close to the affected area or as
far away from it as possible. The needles must stay in place for approximately
20-25 minutes, during which time most people drift into a state of deep
relaxation or may even go to sleep.
Will it hurt?
Most new patients are amazed how painless acupuncture is –
the thought is worse than the reality. When the correct stimulus of the needle has
been obtained and the Qi has been activated, the patient may feel some heaviness,
distension, tingling, or electric sensation either around the needle or traveling
up or down the affected energy pathway or meridian.
What should I do after a treatment?
Energetic changes in the body will continue for some time after the needles have
been removed so it is preferable to avoid any strenuous activity immediately
after treatment. To avoid undoing the effects of the treatment it is also
better not to consume any alcohol or recreational drugs.
How will I feel after acupuncture?
Depending on the type of treatment you have received, you may feel very relaxed
and calm or you may feel revitalized and more clear-headed. It is not
unusual to feel like resting after treatment and occasionally your symptoms
may flare for a short time before settling. Generally, the effects of the
treatment will be more obvious the following day.
Should I tell my doctor?
Yes, it is possible that a course of acupuncture may reduce your need for
some medications so it is essential that your GP is aware that you are
receiving treatment. Most medical doctors are supportive of acupuncture
treatment and it is better for you if all your healthcare practitioners are
able to work together.
Should I tell the acupuncturist of any medications I am taking?
Yes, when taking your history, your practitioner will ask you about any
medication you are taking. Many pharmaceutical drugs have noticeable
effects on the pulse and as this is one of the diagnostic tools used by your
acupuncturist, it is important that they are aware of your medications. It is
also possible that some of your symptoms are side effects of the medication
you are taking and it helpful for your practitioner to be alerted to this.
Should I continue to take my medication whilst having
acupuncture treatment?
It is very important to continue your medication. There can be serious
consequences from suddenly stopping some pharmaceutical drugs. Whilst
it is possible to use acupuncture to reduce the need for some medications,
this should only be done in full consultation with your GP.
Is acupuncture treatment covered by ACC?
Yes. ACC has recognized NZRA and NZASA members as Treatment Providers.
Once you have had a claim accepted by ACC you can then choose to go to
an acupuncturist for treatment. It is not necessary to have a referral from
your GP or other Treatment Provider – the choice isyours. It is not
appropriate for any other Treatment Provider to suggest that you should
not have acupuncture treatment for your injury. If this is suggested then
please let ACC know so that this can be followed up. It is important to note that
ACC will only cover the treatment of a specific injury. You should not expect
your practitioner to treat conditions other than your injury under ACC.
Why should I go to a member of NZRA or NZASA for
Members of NZRA or NZASA are required to meet the highest entry-level
qualification of all acupuncture practitioners in New Zealand. They are also
required to complete 20 hours of Continuing Education every year in order
to maintain their Annual Practising Certificate and must abide by the Rules
and Ethical Guidelines of the organization. If the acupuncturist you choose
is a member of NZRA or NZASA then you can be sure that you are in the
safe hands of a competent practitioner.
Is Acupuncture safe?
Acupuncture is extremely safe when practiced by a qualified practitioner. After
four years of full-time training, members of NZRA or NZASA have an
in-depth knowledge of Chinese Medicine and the meridian system as well as
anatomy and physiology from a Western medical perspective. All members
of NZRA or NZASAmust use sterile single-use needles and abide by the
Clinical Guidelines of the organization. Occasionally a small bruise may occur
at the site of the needle insertion but this is not usually painful and will
clear in a few days.
Will the needles be sterile?
Yes, members of the NZRA, NZASA are required to use pre-sterilized single-use
needles which are disposed of immediately after removal.
How many treatments will I need?
Generally, a course of treatment is accepted as being 8-10 individual sessions.
Very commonly your condition may resolve in fewer than
this, but if it is a long-standing condition then it would not be unexpected to
require considerably more. Initially, you may be asked to attend for
treatment two or three times a week, and then as symptoms improve,
weekly treatment would be likely. Your first appointment may last for
close to an hour but subsequent visits may only take 30 or 45 minutes.
Is there anything I should advise the Practitioner?
Most acupuncture practitioners will ask you to complete an information sheet
on your first visit. The questions asked will cover basic information such as
your name, address, and age, the reason for your visit, and how long the
condition has been present. They will also ask about any medication you may
be taking and whether or not you have had any surgery, even if it is not
specifically related to the reason for your visit. You should also advise the
practitioner of any of the following conditions:· Pregnancy· Bleeding disorders·
Diabetes·Any form of cancer· Hepatitis· HIV/Aids· Epilepsy or seizures·
Skin infections·Heart conditions - especially if you have had a pacemaker inserted.
Do acupuncturists also use other forms of treatment?
Acupuncture is just one aspect of Chinese Medicine. A typical treatment
may also include the use of moxibustion (the burning of a herb close to acupuncture
points or on the needles), gua sha (scraping of the skin to cause slight
redness), tui na (a form of massage), or cupping (the application of vacuum
cups to the skin, most commonly used on the back). Your practitioner may
also give you Chinese herbs to take. These are traditionally prescribed as
dry herbs which are to be boiled with water. In more recent years herbs
are becoming more available as freeze-dried granules, pills, or capsules
which are very easy to take.